Tag Archive: taxidermy

National Museum of Natural History

In a city full of memorable elephants (mostly by party affiliation, though a few real ones, too) this one may be my favorite. Located in the rotunda of The National Museum of Natural… Continue reading

Having a chat

(via unnaturalist)


Dickens described the death of Grip as follows: “On the clock striking twelve he appeared slightly agitated, but he soon recovered, walked twice or thrice along the coach house, stopped to bark, staggered,… Continue reading

Like home

(via Taxidermy in Art)

One Duck

One Duck : Monique Habraken. (via Co.DESIGN)

Cabinet of Curiosities at RISD

(via Co.Design: business + innovation + design)

Paxton Gate

Finally, a much anticipated visit to Paxton Gate. Upon entering, I actually felt myself saying: “This is everything I dreamed it would be.” And it was. It’s a shop of natural wonders and… Continue reading

Curious Expeditions

(via Taxidermied | Curious Expeditions)

Creatures in your living room

CLick through for a great article about how taxidermy is NOT necessarily creepy. (via Taxidermy Comes Alive! On the Web, the Silver Screen, and in Your Living Room | Collectors Weekly)